Press release: “An EKOS survey commissioned by IJV Canada in 2018 shows that the Canadian Jewish community is significantly split on the issue of Israel and antisemitism. It reveals, for example, that 60% of Canadian Jews agree with the statement “Accusations of antisemitism are often used to silence legitimate criticism of Israeli government policies.”

Kendall on social inclusion, not just during the holidays, but all the time. “Income Assistance recipients see people moving on in life, being financially better off, driving vehicles, being in relationships and living healthy lives. Income Assistance recipients ask, Why can’t it be us?”

Ray Bates reflects on the new decade. “Long-term goals are being made in our immediate time frames where we have the most control. We must strive to make the right choices today to assist the right conditions tomorrow..”

This is the apology issued by Rana Zaman in June 2019, after comparing some actions of Israel against Palestinians to the actions of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. For the Atlantic Jewish Council, the organization that pressured the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission into rescinding Rana’s Human Rights award, the apology isn’t good enough. You be the judge.

“And for all sixty years of their lives together every Christmas was more than Christmas because each one was imbued with the joy they’d felt that first Christmas Eve as they walked down that rural road, the snow, like grace, floating down around them.” Another lovely story by Catherine Banks, about poverty, love, and yes, Christmas.