Education Media release

Media release: Dalhousie Board of Governors, hear our call, students reject the 3

As our members are aware, Dalhousie University has decided to continue with their four-year plan to increase tuition by 3%, with international students bearing an additional $1473 per year. Through the survey we conducted and recent advocacy efforts, the DSU and its membership have made it clear that the temporary financial aids the University have implemented do not compensate for the increase in tuition. 

The Board of Governors, Dalhousie University’s highest decision-making body, has the power to reassess this decision and hear students’ call to Reject the 3 at their meeting on June 23, 2020, however they did not. 

In their strategic priorities, the Board aims to “increase retention and degree completion” and “strengthen student experience, leadership development and additional support for our locally diverse and international students.” However, increasing tuition and disregarding the mental and financial burden students are under directly contradicts these aims. 

Despite the Board of Governors denying access to students interested in attending the meeting and have not made the appropriate accommodations to allow for general students to virtually attend, violating section 6.3 of their own policy which mandates that Board meetings are open to the public meeting, the DSU President, Madeleine Stinson outlined students’ concerns around tuition increase despite and decrease in campus access. 

Students at Dalhousie demand better. It is crucial that the administration not only take the appropriate step to consult with students, they must also implement the demands outlined in #RejectThe3 in order to protect and enhance the learning experience and welfare of students. The DSU has given the University until June 30th the respond to their concerns and are looking forward to their response prior to campus closure on July 1st

For more information on the #RejectThe3 campaigns as well as to view Madeleine Stinson’s address during the BOG meeting, visit our website at
