featured Poverty

Kendall Worth recognized by City Hall for journalism and poverty activism

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KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – In a brief ceremony outside City Hall this morning mayor Mike Savage handed tireless poverty activist and Nova Scotia Advocate reporter Kendall Worth a scroll in recognition of his receiving this year’s James McGregor Stewart Award. 

See also: Poverty activist Kendall Worth receives prestigious achievement award

Also present for the brief ceremony were councillors Lindell Smith and Shawn Cleary.

“I’ve seen him in the community a lot, and I’ve talked to him quite a bit. He’s a very positive force for the community. I’m glad that we’re able to, to honor him. He does great work,” Savage told the Nova Scotia Advocate.

“Poverty should be political. The issue of poverty needs to be a voting issue. In this city there are people that need affordable housing, there is food insecurity, there are people who are socially excluded. And if COVID showed us anything, it certainly shone a light on those things that we need to do better. Kendall has been a champion for those things for a long time,” Savage said.

“I wish I could get attention from the higher ups that are in power more often, and maybe that will happen someday,” Worth said. 

We wondered if Kendall Worth ever feels like slowing down.

“One side of me does think that occasionally, and the other side of me knows that these issues are still out there. And I worry that no one will replace me and get these stories out,” Worth said.

“Right now I do know poor people are reading what I write, because I have seen evidence of that,” said Worth. “The Nova Scotia Advocate covers some stuff that you might see next to nothing about in the Chronicle Herald.”

With a special thanks to our generous donors who make publication of the Nova Scotia Advocate possible.

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