Media release: To bring attention to the glaring gross insensitivity within CBC, Black Voices Matter will be holding a peaceful rally on September 25, 2020, at 2pm. This rally will take place at the CBC Atlantic Headquarters located at 6940 Mumford Rd., Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Kendall Worth: it is safe to say that 80% of income assistance recipients live a life of loneliness and social isolation. Many do not have good relationships with their families, and many of them do not even talk to their families. COVID-19 made this so much more worse, but we can do something about it.

Angela Bowden: Nova Scotia has had a significant race problem for ever and I’m not sure why that comes as such a surprise to some Nova Scotians, especially considering there are so many who are historically and currently participating in this abuse, and it is so publicly documented in this new age of internet and social media.

Press release: Jen Powley has declared her candidacy for the upcoming HRM municipal election in District 7, Halifax South Downtown. Powley is a planner, author and activist who has called District 7 her home for the last 20 years. She is a long-time advocate for accessibility, newcomers to Canada, and an ally for 2SLGBTQI+ folks.

John McCracken on the PC’s provincial election win in New Brunswick: “You could practically hear the cheering from the corporate head office of Irving Oil at 10 King Square South in Saint John, New Brunswick.”

Alton Gas likes to brag about the soundness of its plans and its willingness to share information with stakeholders. However, if it weren’t for Rachael Greenland-Smith and Dale Poulette, two stubborn citizen-researchers, we would never have seen evidence that the federal department of Environment and Climate Change (ECC) point blank refused to approve the project as it is currently proposed.