Media release Poverty

PSA: Rent Control Now rally set for tomorrow

(Halifax, NS)  ACORN is holding a rally tomorrow at 2pm on the Grand Parade outside of City Hall to demand the Province enact Rent Control. 

ACORN has been fighting for the Province reinstate rent control since 2012.  Housing was precarious then, it’s a crisis now. In light of the news of tenants getting $250-$905 increases and the wave of evictions these are causing, getting organized and rallying for this is more crucial than ever.

WHAT: Rent Control Now!
WHEN: Saturday, November 7th at 2pm
WHERE: Grand Parade (Halifax City Hall)

For tenants this issue is personal. ACORN Halifax-Peninsula Chapter Secretary Aidan Tompkins states, “Last year I was dealt a $390 increase, which is an unheard-of 29% increase, and criminal in other provinces. I received another increase this year for $75 (4%), but luckily don’t have to honour it, as management only provided three months notice. Our property manager says he’d still like to see increases lower than 4% but it’s really up to the landlord and the Province to regulate this.” 

Chad Brazier is a ACORN member in Antigonish, he says, “This crisis isn’t just happening in the HRM, housing across Nova Scotia is becoming increasingly unaffordable and run down. Working peoples’ wages have been stagnating for forty years, the basic cost of living goes up and up, and the social safety net is showing serious signs of neglect. Despite the incredible hardship and disruption brought to so many people by the pandemic we’ve seen landlords respond with an inhumanity that shocks the conscience, and the Provincial government couldn’t seem to care less. We need rent control to ensure that working people and their families are able to get ahead!”

Since March, ACORN has been collecting rent increases and eviction notices from tenants across the Province. “What we’re noticing is rent increases as high as $900 a month, with the average being between $50-250,” says Halifax-Peninsula Chair Hannah Wood. “And not just the downtown core, the majority of these increases are coming from low-income communities like Fairview, Spryfield, and Dartmouth. We’re seeing rent increases in buildings that haven’t been repaired or renovated in years. The lack of rent control and low vacancy rate means landlords have no incentive to do repairs. Why would you when people will pay any amount of money just to have a roof over their heads?” 

Aidan Tompkins, “The provincial government clearly doesn’t care as they continue to condone this gluttonous rent gouging. NS needs rent control yesterday.”

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Nova Scotia ACORN is an independent organization and tenants union of low- and moderate-income people fighting for affordable housing, a living wage, and better communities across Nova Scotia.”


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