After days of pressure from the African Nova Scotian community the Chronicle Herald made some changes to its story on boxer Jaye Byard . The story contained many anti-Black stereotypes.

A recent human rights case, launched by Gyasi Symonds after being racially profiled by Halifax police, is a showcase for all that is wrong with the way the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission (NSHRC) deals with human rights complaints and complainants.

Water Protectors have been calling for an immediate halt in construction of the twinning Windsor Causeway and have been camped out at the Treaty Truckhouse 2 since late spring. While negotiations have been stagnant, it is reported that the RCMP are planning on breaking up the Treaty Truckhouse 2 encampment on Monday November 16th.

Designating the Ingram River Wilderness Area near St. Margaret’s Bay will protect some of the most pristine publicly owned forests and waterways from logging and industrial activities. The process has reached a stage where the province is looking for public input. It’s important that we show the politicians we care, Helga Guderley, a member of the St. Margaret’s Bay Stewardship Association tells me.

Spokesperson Nina Newington invites Minister Derek Mombourquestte of Lands and Forestry to a meeting. “If mainland moose are to recover, we need to give them more, not less, habitat so that they can sustain larger populations. Those habitats must be based on what moose need to survive. Any discussion of moose habitat must be ecosystem based. Tweaking current inadequate protections while accommodating the forestry industry will not be enough.”

This Remembrance Day Judy Haiven visits a Local Tim Hortons. It’s a follow up on an earlier visit, a couple of years ago and elsewhere in the province, where she had to set the manager straight about the law and labour standards.