featured Racism

Raymond Sheppard: Listening to Black voices –African Nova Scotians and the CBC

Black Voices Matter demonstration at the CBC, photo by Larry Haiven

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – As an African Nova Scotian elder I was pleased to see the CBC taking steps to embrace African Canadians and “diversity” in all its splendor after so many years. I hope “true and real diversity” becomes part of a new service delivery package.  I also hope my excitement is not short-lived.

See also: Raymond Sheppard: Making room for African Canadians at the CBC

As one no doubt appreciates, African Nova Scotians have been here for far more than 400 years and have greatly contributed to the building of what has become Canada. Therefore it is critically important to have Black voices heard, Black contributions acknowledged and valued, and Black history acknowledged, respected and appreciated.  

For broadcast media to survive and thrive in today’s global village, each needs to be aware and sensitive to differences, welcome, encourage, embrace, value and proactively recruit African Canadians and all others that make us Canada. This means that we all need to accept and respect our collective differences.  When all people are respected and embraced, the benefits to all businesses, media, organizations, governments, and communities are enhanced.

I can just picture the CBC president, senior management, major advertisers and union gaining increased respect when they and other media do the long overdue right thing.

I believe all media must be S.M.A.R.T in their approach to proactively recruit African Nova Scotians/African Canadians and other persons of colour across the board. 

S- Specific,

M – Measurable,

A – Agreeable and attainable,

R – Reasonable, and

T – Timely

See also: Judy Haiven: The persistent whiteness of the CBC

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  1. Well spoken brother Raymond i hope it is heard loud and clear we need more voices like yours be well brother

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