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To our wonderful donors

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – To all the generous people who have given money to this website, thank you! 

It’s your money that allows us to pay so many extraordinary writers who write from the heart and their lived experience, and who offer local perspectives that must be heard. 

I can’t thank you enough. 

There’s going to be a small change in how payments are made.

Up until now donations were funneled through PayPal, but I know many people weren’t happy about that, as you have to register and deal with yet another password in your life. As well, for a long time PayPal was owned by an irritating billionaire who donates to right wing causes, and people hated to think that was their money he was giving away. 

So this is to let you know that we are slowly moving away from PayPal and switching to Stripe, which is significantly less intrusive than PayPal. 

So what does this mean for you?

From now on, if you initiate a new monthly or one-time donation Stripe will be the technology. No registration, no password required.

If you are already a monthly donor nothing changes, and you can stay with Paypal. However, when your card expires and you need to refresh your credit card info you might want to consider moving to Stripe. That’s up to you, we’re not getting rid of PayPal, we just offer an alternative.

Just in case you’re all excited now and want to give that fancy new technology a try, here is the link.

PS: We also take good old fashioned cheques, and Interac e-payments. Send me an email rdevet@gmail.com.

Check out our new community calendar!

With a special thanks to our generous donors who make publication of the Nova Scotia Advocate possible.

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