Environment featured

Forest defender Nina Newington: Do something!

Rally for a clearcutting moratorium, March 16. Photo Robert Devet

Jacob Fillmore is on the 15th day of his hunger strike. He has said he will keep going until he is hospitalized OR until our government puts in place an immediate moratorium on the clearcutting of Crown lands, pending implementation of the Lahey report.

I tried to talk him out of this hunger strike. Lots of other people have too.

This was his reply: “I’m frustrated because I don’t feel there is time to waste, and the people in charge are not taking the problem seriously. I don’t know how to affect change, and the future scares me. I don’t know what to do.”

What could I say to that? What could any of us say? He is 25 years old and he is telling the truth.

Whatever our age, we probably all feel this way. “I don’t know how to affect change. I don’t know what to do.”

Here’s what I’ve learned from doing the blockades: Do the next right thing. If an opportunity for action presents itself, if it is non-violent and respectful, if it won’t do any harm, if it might make a difference — then do it. It feels far better to take action than to sit at home, despairing. And if we don’t all start taking some kind of action, well… “the future scares me.”

So please, if knowing what Jacob is doing makes you think, I have to do something, then come to Halifax on Tuesday, March 23rd. Let’s raise our voices together in a simple demand: STOP CLEARCUTTING OUR FUTURE

It is exciting to have a premier who promises to make tackling climate change and biodiversity loss a priority. But forests on our public land are being clearcut right now. We can’t afford to lose any more. We need our government to make a down payment on its promises. We need a moratorium now.

If you can’t join us at Province House on Tuesday, please pledge to call Premier Rankin and Minister Porter once a day until they agree to put a moratorium in place. Premier: 902 424 6600. Minister Porter at DLF: 902 424 5935

We have a right under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to gather in a political demonstration. We ask that everyone do their part to keep us COVID safe by following the usual precautions including wearing masks and maintaining 2 meter distance from anyone not in your bubble.

Rally on Tuesday, March 23rd, noon, Province House, 1726 Hollis Street

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  1. You need to make these events more visible. I am a staunch supporter yet only found out about this Tuesday evening AFTER it all happened

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