Environment featured

Letter: Inspired by Jacob Fillmore

I am writing to show my support of Jacob Fillmore and thank you for featuring his efforts. I went to the rally at Province House last week and met Jacob.  On my drive home I knew I had to write in to the Premier and my local MLA, I couldn’t rest until I did.  

A whole generation is growing up with “ecoanxiety”.  I chose not to have children for environmental concerns, now there is a movement of Birth Strikers. I am glad to see the support for Jacob but I hope that everyone is also sending letters to call on our government to get a moratorium on clearcutting, to save the Biodiversity Act, protect our less than 1 percent of Old Growth forest.  

Jacob is on a hunger strike and immediate action must be taken to protect the natural beauty of our province.  All of us need to act and do our part.  

The issues facing our future are overwhelming but one person can make a difference. I have found the school strike movement started by Greta Thunberg inspiring. I have been sitting with signs alone in Wolfville trying to raise awareness on the clearcutting.

Kelly Messom

Kentville, NS

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