Media release Racism

Media release: “We Cannot Even Breathe, And Only Justice For Some”

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Many African Nova Scotians continue to have their rights violated by those said to “Serve and Protect”

Recently a video surfaced showing a HPD Police Officer apparently threatening to shot an unarmed African Nova Scotian male with hands held high above his head. This apparent abuse of power seems to have become commonplace with a number of HPD Police Officer without any meaning discipline or deterrence.   

Yet, Halifax Regional Police Chief Dan Kinsella apologized on Nov 29, 2019, to the African Nova Scotian community for illegal street checks based on racism and yet there has been no meaningful action or retraining taken to change the negative mindset of that seems to be prevalent among a number of officers.

Many African Nova Scotians have been and continue to be traumatized by the racism and hate they continue to endure on a daily basis. 

Police like all citizens must be held accountable for their actions, and should not be putting community members at risk in any way shape or form.

Many African Nova Scotians do not even make it to first base in the complaint process and “asking Colonel Sanders to feel or have compassion for chickens “ does not seem to be working.

Based on the most recent display of excessive force and outward gross disrespect, a number of African Nova Scotians will hold an EMERGENCY RALLY in front of HPD Headquarters on Gottingen Street in Halifax this Thursday April 01, 2021, at 2pm.

For more information, please contact Raymond Sheppard
