Environment featured Weekend Video

Video: A singing season for Nova Scotia

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – The Migratory Birds Convention Act forbids cutting of forests where breeding birds are present, but harvesting continues at all times of the year. 

The birds are there though. You only have to go for a walk in Nova Scotia’s woods during breeding season, which is just around now, to hear warblers and other migratory songbirds singing their little hearts out. 

See also: See also: Media release: Shelburne County, Nova Scotia clearcut would violate Migratory Bird Convention Act

The Healthy Forest Coalition, an alliance of organizations and individuals who care about these kinds of things, are calling on the government to institute a “Singing Season” in Nova Scotia, which would pause forestry operation from May 15-July 31, and give the migratory birds that nest in our woods the time they need to raise their young. 

The alliance is asking that people share this video with your networks and join them in working to protect the beloved songs of spring.

Video contributors: Ray Plourde, Simon Ryder-Burbidge, Kelly Lacy, Indigo Blackwood & others via Pexels.

See also: Gretchen Fitzgerald: Cut, cut, cut – On clearcutting and the Migratory Birds Convention Act

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