Arts Labour Media release Racism

PSA: Invitation to United We Call: Status For All

Community groups of Halifax, 

No One is Illegal – Halifax/Kjipuktuk is a community organization that is committed to working in radical solidarities with undocumented migrants and those with precarious immigration statuses. Our mission is to advance migrant justice across Nova Scotia and beyond to ensure equal rights, dignities and decencies for all. You can read more about our work, such as our Migrant Worker Program, on our website.

The reason why we’re writing is to invite you, your organization and members to our free community event on September 12 at 1-3pm at the Halifax Commons (behind the Pavilion). For over a year, community members across Halifax came together to build a series of life-sized, collaborative and radical artwork centering migrant justice and solidarity-building. We’re inviting you to join us in challenging the pervasive xenophobic narratives imposed on migrants in our communities, whose stories are made invisibilized due to Canada’ racist two-tier immigration system.

There will be free food, activities for children, beautiful life-sized art, poetry readings, and an impressive silent auction. More importantly, for those who are able to donate, every single dollar raised at this event will go directly to migrants in Nova Scotia requesting emergency support. If you don’t already know about our mutual aid Migrant Solidarity Fund, you can read more on our website and make a monthly/recurring donation as low as $2/month.

We really hope to see you on Sept 12.More details can be found on our Facebook event.
