In part 3 of this series Tony Seed highlights the annual rallies held against the annual Halifax war conference, a.k.a. the Halifax International Security Forum (HISF), as part of the organized anti-war movement in the city since the 1980s, which gave rise to this opposition. Lots of photos here.

Tony Seed continues his series on the upcoming Halifax International Security Forum, why and how is Canada paying for the annual war conference, how is the conference being sold to us, and why pick Halifax of all places?

Tony Seed on this year’s U.S.-led “Halifax International Security Forum” (HISF), referred to by many as the Halifax War Conference, taking place on November 16-18. An anti-war rally will be held to protest it on November 17. First of a series of investigative articles and reports to be written by Tony on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the HISF.

Tony Seed on the significance of African Liberation Day, and some personal memories and observations on previous celebrations in Halifax.

Yesterday we published Judy Haiven’s take on the Halifax Explosion, arguing that in essence a war crime occurred, today Tony Seed makes a similar case in this well-researched article. “The tragedy of the Halifax Explosion, the subsequent Naval Magazine explosion of July 1945 and other preventable incidents since then shows that the granting of military-naval concessions and other privileges to the superpowers and their naval fleets represent nothing but great danger to the democratic right of the people to live in peace and to their freedom.”

Tony Seed reminds us that the movement to get rid of the repulsive Cornwallis statue goes back quite a while. Read the speech delivered by then 93 years young Halifax activist Betty Peterson in 2010 at the Peace and Freedom Park, and find out more about Betty and other organizers in the biographical notes Tony provides. See you at the Peace and Freedom Park this Saturday!