I spoke with Mike Lancaster of the Healthy Forest Coalition about (not) protecting the mainland moose in Digby County, and what should be done about it.

“Right now it’s one of the few areas in Nova Scotia that remains non-fragmented, and regardless of the presence of moose, it’s important to maintain these unfragmented corridors in Nova Scotia, to provide a habitat for the species at risk, moose being the example in this case. Clearcutting exacerbates everything even more,” he tells me.

PSA: Acting on information received this morning that Irving forestry crews from New Brunswick are in transit to crown land in New France, Digby County, Extinction Rebellion forest protectors are currently blocking access to the cut area.

On Wednesday February 19th, Erich Burton, an arrestee from the Extinction Rebellion #BridgeOut action in October, arrived at the Halifax Court House flanked by supporters to plead not guilty by reason of necessity. The crown however opted simply to dismiss the case.