This weekend’s weekend video is Etlinisigu’niet (Bleed Down), by Mi’kmaq filmmaker Jeff Barnaby. its theme is the violent destruction of indigenous identity in Canada by white settler culture. It’s quite terrifying to watch.

This weekend we present a short video on traditional Mi’kmaq eel fisheries in winter. Check it out, it’s a good one!

A large crowd gathered for last night’s vigil for Colten Boushie, the Saskatchewan Cree shot point blank by a farmer who was acquitted earlier that day by an all white jury. Rather than do a story we offer up some of the things that were said there.

This weekend we offer a double bill of weekend videos. A guided walk through Point Pleasant Park in Halifax by Tuma Young, who shows some of the traditional Mi’kmaq medicines there for the picking. Then we turn up the sweetness level all the way to 11 in a video produced by a very young Mya Denny, as she hangs out with her grandfather Joel Denny while he gathers medicine in the woods,

With some footage of Mi’kmaw poet and elder Rita Joe herself, we are delighted to present this wonderful musical interpretation by students of the Allison Bernard Memorial High School in Eskasoni of what is probably Rita Joe’s best known poem, I lost my talk.

A moving story obout a four-year old little girl at the Shubenacadie Residential School and her doll, as remembered by Elder Elder Magit Sylliboy, and filmed by students of the We’koqom’a Mi’kmaw School in Waycobah, Cape Breton. A must see!

About eight hundred Nova Scotians marched to Province House because they hate the devastation of our forests caused by clearcutting and because bureaucrats and politicians aren’t listening to them. To mark this important event we offer up a handful of photos and a transcription of the remarks by Melissa Labrador, a Mi’kmaq woman of the Wildcat community near Kejimkujik.

This weekend we feature the wonderful Mi’kmaq multidisciplinary artist Ursula Johnson in no less than three short videos. Johnson was recently shortlisted as the Atlantic nominee for the Sobey Art Award, which is a pretty big deal. For us any excuse to feature these three short intriguing videos will do. Check it out!

Wishing happy birthday to, and a little bit about paywall alternatives. Walls aren’t nice, and neither are paywalls.