Very pleased to post the brief but well-argued Save our Seas and Shores submission in response to the Northern Pulp proposal to dump its effluent pipe into the Northumberland Strait. “Northern Pulp’s focus report reads as if they are dumping into pristine waters, rather than the deeply degraded fragile ecosystem the Northumberland Strait and Gulf of St Lawrence have now become in 2019,” write Mary Gorman and Percy Hayne.

Pictou MD John Krawczyk on the presence of methyl mercury near Pictou Landing First Nation and what that means for the Northern Pulp plans to dump treated effluent in the Strait. “The effluent will not be toxin free no matter how it is treated and will bio-accumulate in bi-valves (mussels, scallops, oysters) and lobsters. Seafood will be contaminated. The archaic expression dilution is the solution to pollution is no longer acceptable. Humans are at risk!”

John Collins is thinking about solutions to the Northern Pulp conundrum that will respect the residents of Pictou Landng First Nation, protect the Strait, and keep the jobs in Pictou.,Whatever you may think of his proposal, at least he’s putting it out there, which is more most politicians can say.

John Collins raises more questions on Northern Pulp’s plan to pipe effluents out to the Northumberland Strait. “There came a point in time, when the environment outweighed the economy, it has passed.”

Matt Dort takes a close look at a recent Chronicel Herald story about Northern Pulp and the Northumberland Strait, and finds that it’s not simply a matter of meeting regulations. What if the regulations are flawed? What if there are other problems that aren’t even part of these regulations? What if the Strait is already at its maximum threshold for pollution?

John Collins on Premier Stephen MacNeil’s response to a letter from the three Pictou MLAs: “I actually commend you for the courage and determination to stand up for what’s right and sticking to the legislated closure as implemented by your government in the ‘Boat Harbour Act’.  For the mill to even promote a continuance of this level of environmental racism by asking for an extension is an insult to Pictou Landing First Nations, and First Nations Peoples in general.”