NS Federation of Labour president Danny Cavanagh on a departing premier: “He knows full well that our unions have wanted to work with them, but to no avail. The good Premier has been a one-person show, who dictated his terms, and when those were not acceptable, legislated his way to get what he wanted.”

NSFL President Danny Cavanagh is pleased with the announcement that the federal, provincial and territorial governments have reached a deal on federal funding of $19 billion through the “Safe Restart Agreement.” “It’s still short on details, but it looks promising for things like ten paid days of sick leave, and we hope the Minister of Labour and the Nova Scotia Government jump on board.

Danny Cavanagh: Our message to low wage employers is workers are understandably reluctant to accept the health risks of serving customers and possibly bringing COVID-19 home to their family. The safety for them and their family far outweighs working at a low wage job for a few hours a week on erratic scheduling, for minimum wage or a few pennies more.

Nova Scotia Federation of Labour President Danny Cavanagh wants protection for all workers – particularly in the long-term care sector – to have the broadest protection possible to report to authorities or the public if the conditions in facilities or for residents are unacceptable, unhealthy, unsafe, or otherwise inhumane.

In Nova Scotia, about 25% of the workforce is excluded from basic workers’ compensation coverage. We believe that every worker deserves to come home safe and healthy at the end of their workday.