Press release: Some part-time workers who were laid off from their jobs are seeing a bigger paycheque than before the COVID-19 Pandemic. If you are an employer who had casual part-time workers, you need to ask yourself why your employees would rather be on CERB? Then ask yourself, as a small business owner, why should the big corporation be allowed to get tax dollars when many of them pay fewer taxes in Canada then you do? The system must change and workers deserve higher wages and full-time work with benefits.

Economic recovery cannot mean listening to the same old voices, the voices that led us to an economy with a widening income and gender gap, heightening rates of poverty and homelessness, increasing violence and inequality, poorly underfunded and inadequate public and community services, writes NS Federation of Labour president Danny Cavanagh.

The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour recognizes International Workers’ Day today, May 1, in solidarity with millions of workers around the world. We recognize the historic struggles of workers who have gone before us and their hard-fought gains we benefit from today.

“When this is over, we cannot listen to those right-wing voices rally against the heroes of today.,” writes Danny Cavanagh. “Our health care system needs national standards, and increased funding from the federal government. It’s time to eliminate profit from all of health care including long term care, home care, residential care and group homes. All those segments of the system must be brought under the Canada Health Act.”

“They are vulnerable workers and they are heroes too!.” A very good op-ed by Danny Cavanagh, president of the NS Federation of Labour on the sacrifices made by by retail and food production workers, without adequate pay and protection.

Danny Cavanagh, president of the NS Federation of Labour, lists a series of demands and recommendations based on feedback from workers from across the province. Danny tackles workers safety, job security, paid sick leave, migrant workers, EI, and more. It’s a good list!