Activist and poet Angela Bowden reflects on the urgent need to start talking about reparations to the Black community in Nova Scotia. “The evidence and framework for reparations is already embedded in the wisdom and trauma of our elders and our youth, we require all of you to get this job done,” she writes.

Thandiwe McCarty reflects on an exhibit of New Brunswick’s unsung Black heroes, people who excelled in many fields, the arts, academia, business and entertainment. How come I never heard of these people until now, he asks.

Stand-sit desks are great, but health benefits and job security are better, writes Lisa Cameron after working some fixed-term contracts which weren’t what they promised.

Angela Bowden read this terrific poem at the rally in support of Santina Rao, the young mother falsely accused of shoplifting at the Mumford Road Walmart and violently arrested by four police officers in front of her little children.