Just a reminder that the Nova Scotia Advocate is always looking for pitches. Our mandate is to tell the stories other media tend to overlook, and amplify the voices of the people you don’t often hear from. You don’t have to be an experienced writer. We will help you, and you’ll find doing journalism is always interesting, and really not as hard as it is cracked up to be.

We’re always looking for writers, and we pay better than other much larger outlets, I am told. You don’t have to be an experienced writer, we will help you. You’ll find doing journalism is a lot of fun, and really not as hard as it is cracked up to be.  

This is big! Together with the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers we are commissioning one in-depth story on a poverty-related topic. We want to hear from both professional writers and from people who write from lived experience. Thanks to the generous support of the NSCSW we are able to pay between $500 and $750, depending on the complexity of the topic and how experienced a writer you are. Send us your pitch!

Doubled the readership, published 400 stories, found 50 new writers, received one threatening letter by a lawyer, many more sustainers, and $6,000 in the pockets of freelance journalists. Not a bad year at all. Also, our top-ten stories for the year. All thanks to you, dear readers and sustainers, thank you so very much, and may the new year bring you nothing but joy and victories!

Just a reminder, we’re always interested in talking to new (and old) writers, both experienced reporter-types and first voice people who want to talk about their lived experiences.

Delighted and proud to issue the Nova Scotia Advocate’s first call for (paid) submissions. We’ve been paying some of our writers for a while, now we want to do even more. Read this post for all the specs. And many thanks to all our generous readers who donated and made this possible. Paywalls aren’t an option for us, since so many of our readers are poor. Great to see people recognize that and come through big time.