This weekend’s Weekend Video, Me too: From hashtags to healing, features some of the expert sexual assault trauma therapists who work for the Avalon Sexual Assault Centre, talking about their backgrounds and the very important work they do. 

This (very) short film by Halifax filmmaker Stephanie Young reminds us that being a trans woman, and especially a trans woman of colour, means you are at high risk of becoming targeted in violent hate crimes. When we talk about women’s issues, we should include trans women.

This weekend we feature Masculins, a wonderful short documentary by filmmaker Stephanie Young that portrays three individuals who identify mostly as females but also have distinct masculine identities. Also, a few words on how much I enjoy curating Weekend Videos.

“I think it’s because my heart is so stressed, you know. From not being seen. Like I actually think it’s kind of broken.” Map of me is a wonderful dramatized documentary about Jamie, a young woman who lives with mental health problems and ends up in jail, and Sarah, her twin sister who tries to understand how it happened and wonders how they drifted apart. Check it out!