featured Labour

Mark Lever invokes the spirit of Ivany to justify layoffs

Mark Lever, president and CEO of the Chronicle Herald, in an editorial published yesterday, tries once again to justify the labour dispute that never should have been.

But this time the rhetoric is entirely Ivany Report.

Absent is anything concrete to back up the argument that further shrinking of an already ravaged newsroom is a good idea.

And although we are assured that there is a vision for the newsroom of the future, we’re just not told what it entails.

Instead, we get vapid slogans like these.

“But the one thing on which I stand firm is that we will not make it to tomorrow if we do not start making the kinds of decisions today that we failed to make yesterday.”  

“The scale of the challenges we face as a province requires a response of equal scale. Small, incremental steps are not enough.”

“What we are proposing is not novel or new. But it is dramatic, because dramatic change is what we need.”

“Making difficult choices today creates the conditions for us to have greater impact tomorrow. Growing strong Nova Scotia companies is a good news story for all of us.”

Also this gem.

“Creating quality jobs is important to us.”

And wait for it.

“It is as simple, and as difficult, as that. Now or never.”



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