Education Healthcare Labour Poverty Weekend Video

Weekend video: Nova Scotians united against austerity – a flashback to the 2015 budget

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – This weekend’s video is a flashback to the large 2015 anti-austerity protests in Nova Scotia.

Last year’s provincial budget, with its changes to the film tax credits,  was the catalyst for large rallies at Province House, by film workers, students, environmentalists, people living in poverty and many others hurt by the cost-cutting measures it contained.

The film contains interviews with 15 people affected in different ways by the budget.

Not much has changed since that time, unfortunately, and the five-minutes of fast-paced video is well worth a second viewing.


Director of Photography – Christopher Ball
Producer & Assistant Director – Kristie Sills
Editor – Daniel Boos
Andrew Rillie – Sound Recordist
Andrew Stretch – Production Assistant
Tom Servaes – Production Assistant


Darryl King
John Cox
Sebastien Labelle
Jade Peek
Andy Webb
Kyle Buott
Gabriel Soligo
Jessica MacDonald
Christine Hecher
Jesse Walker
Emma Norton
Aaron Beale
Mark Butler
Ian Johnson


