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Op-ed: North Preston and CBC’s not so finest

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Seemingly forever residents of North Preston have been reminding Nova Scotians that the historic African Nova Scotian communities aren’t crime infested slums.

Then along comes the CBC and publishes a story that ignores all these efforts and pulls out every anti-black stereotype you can imagine.

Photo by ProjectHorizons, Wikipedia

Just the other day our free daily, Halifax Metro, ran an excellent story on the great work Miranda Cain is doing in her community.

All on her own this young woman managed to raise money for 12 summer positions. Her group helps seniors cutting grass, and performs other ‘random acts of kindness.”

She named her group North Preston’s Future, or NPF. That’s also the acronym for North Preston’s Finest, the gang that at one time originated in the community.

That’s on purpose, Cain told Metro.

“We are a part of Canada’s history as the largest black community, we should be recognized as such – not as being North Preston’s Finest where the little 2 or 5 per cent is doing whatever,” Cain told Metro.

“You come here and our community welcomes you with open arms. People are not afraid to come here, so why are you portraying that in the media?” Cain said.

That’s a question our national broadcaster should ponder.

CBC’s recent story, Understanding the North Preston’s Finest Gang, pulls out all the stops. Really, there’s not a racist stereotype about Black crime that’s not mentioned somehow. Black men with $100,000 gold chains and cadillacs luring white women into prostitution, you get the idea.

“There are no businesses there, which really means no opportunities. What ends up happening is many people in the community, sadly, end up getting involved in gangs,” journalist Angela MacIvor explains.

“Many.” What does that even mean? It strikes me that Cain with her” 2 or 5 percent” is closer to the mark.

Also absent is any effort to provide context. No mention of the high unemployment the community faces. No mention of the shameful racism in Nova Scotia that’s one of the main reasons for that high unemployment.

No mention of the recent defunding of the Watershed Association Development Services (W.A.D.E.), a community organization that offered employment services to Black residents of East and North Preston, Cherry Brook, Lake Loon and Dartmouth for many decades.

Most importantly, no awareness of the real hurt that a story like this is likely to cause to the many law abiding residents of North Preston.  

And when I say many, I mean 95 to 98 percent.

With thanks to El Jones, whose post on Facebook alerted me to the CBC coverage. She asks that people contact the CBC to let them know their article is unacceptable and racist.



  1. Well let me tell you I and my husband have 100.000.000. A white 2013 cadillac and I am a white woman

    Well let me tell you cbc I have never been a prostitute. My husband sure is north preston finest cause he can dress better than most of you all.i also owned my own bridal store in North preston search it
    Beals wedding apparel

    And we have worked hard for what we own and raised 9 children so Cbc needs to get their facts straight seiously


    1. What the heck is that comment about if your grown and not a coward you should of left your name cause I know I never read that wrong please clarify what you meant white trash !!!!!! And 9 of my own really
      Please confirm what that response is suppose to prove

  2. Glad to see people standing up. Said article was terrible and an insult to the many wonderful of North Preston. Shame on cbc.

  3. I was one that was embraced by the North Preston. I love the people who treated me as one of family. Beverly Lamb Thomas, Los Angeles, California

  4. Thank you advocate fir helping North Preston get the straight . As a reporter one of your min jibs is knowing the facts
    The same way this Angela wrote this fictionAL story, by telling her story or just getting one side of the story . Leaves a mark on our community as a whole . Once it’s wrotten it’s written it can’t be taken back .. that image will remain in the head of many. The damage is done. We have bee oppressed for 200 years and this one story will make it continue. Sorry CBC but sorry and retracting is not enough . We would like to know what you plan to do to not have this happen again. By saying a new employee isn’t enough , dome one proof reads stories and Angela cleary stated that she has been following this story fir dome time .

    Do to stories like this Royol Bank of Canada has closed our organization account , without smt reason , these same summer students I work with will be unable to receive there pay until I can find a bank that will allow us to open an account…

    Please tell me why does North Prestoners struggle have to be so real . 80 % because of the Media .

    I am a advocate for community , I will not stop until our Justice is served.

    Miranda Cain

  5. The cbc, very often, perpetuates divisive attitudes. What with the stereotyped overly exaggerated reporting on crimes. Few reports are made of the white collar crimes, the sex indiscretions of middle class Canada that are silenced.

    cbc is largely responsible for people not knowing about communities of other ethnicity. Change for the better will come.

  6. Has anyone a copy of the original story posted by CBC.. they have edited the story ( as we all know). I think it is a good idea to keep the original as this may have to be pulled later as supporting evidence if is there is something constructive come from this.. CBC should be sued for defamation of character. The community as a whole needs to file a racial discrimination case with human rights about this
    and/or file a class action suit against CBC.

  7. It is official, it is time for Nova Scotia/All Canadian Blacks to shed the light on the Systemic Discrimination. My husband and daughters have a law suit right now against #PizzaPizza for racial discrimination. These corporations have been long standing on the backs of blacks and when the proof is in front of us that the system feels we will not be due diligent and follow through with the process of protecting our civil rights, this is why they will continue to try to obliterate our communities #BlackLiveMatter Evangeline S. Downey.

  8. What is this?!! More tiresome trash talk about the “other”. Donald Trump blames “Mexicans” the old NS guard blames whoever.

  9. Here are my opinions on the situation. I agree some of the comments made by CBC were wrong and were retracted, but you are forgetting the main issue here. The lives of two innocent people, especially that innocent five year old baby girl left at the roadside like piece of garbage. The young men of Preston are killing themselves. As of yesterday there was another drive by shooting. Thank God nobody was killed. These young men are profiling themselves. Go to the news and read all the police reports on these young men. I realize that this society is prejudice and Caucasians tend to stereotype all races but do our young black men have to walk right in to it and play the role to the utmost. If this black man did the crime, then he must pay for it. What kind of a man could do this. I don’t care what color you are you know right from wrong. Use the race card when required. BLACK LIVES DO MATTER! I am the mother of two young black men and a young black women and they are in my prayers everyday.

  10. Many of my dearest friends are from North Preston be they black or white and I love them all. Every neighborhood has their drama no matter where you go so CBC needs to STOP feeding the racism and promote brotherhood and sisterhood and stop the hate.

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