Poverty Weekend Video

Weekend video: Glenn’s story

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – It’s a disgrace that people have to rely on food banks in a wealthy province like Nova Scotia. If we must have them, then at least let our provincial government pick up the bill, rather than rely on people’s kindness.

That said, nobody in a position of power ever listens to me, and food banks remain a necessity.

Meet Glenn MacDonald, a resident of Glace Bay, down on his luck after a debilitating fall while working at the Sydney airport, and now dependent on the local food bank.

“The Glace Bay food bank is everything. It’s my survival.  If I wasn’t able to come here I’d be on the streets right now,” he says.

To make it a truly Nova Scotian story, Glenn returns the favour, and spends a lot of time helping out at the food bank.

Oh, and he is in a fight to get his disability recognized. I told you it’s a truly Nova Scotian story.

Donate to Feed Nova Scotia before midnight on December 31 to receive a charitable tax receipt for your 2016 return.

Oh, and if you have even more money to spare, please support the Nova Scotia Advocate. It will allow us to continue to cover issues in 2017 such as poverty, racism, exclusion, workers’ rights and the environment in Nova Scotia. 





