featured Poverty

Judy Deal: a poor woman’s manifesto

Judy Deal used to write for the now defunct Street Feat, these days you can buy her self-published work most Saturday mornings at the Seaport Farmers’ Market. Or you can read it right here, on the Nova Scotia Advocate!

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – I never thought that I would end up living on a system that doesn’t want anyone to get ahead.

I find it stressful to try to get things in order. It’s so very overwhelming to understand all the red tape and to live with dignity until one dies.

Judy Deal, Christmas 2016. Photo Robert Devet

They send you here and there and everywhere only to come to a dead end. Then you’re like a chicken with your head cut off running around in circles. So he or she gets so tired she just gives up hope and loses faith in humanity. Just another person falling through the cracks. That person may never get out of it. That’s sad, but true.

The chances of dying of old age are very slim. If you’re not ill yet, you will get ill mentally and physically eventually if you live below the poverty line.

Some people just can’t run around and stand in line for food, it makes you want to crawl under the ground with shame.

I really think any two people should share a place, friends or not, it would make life more bearable if you live below the poverty line. At least one wouldn’t have to go it alone. There would be someone there to help you in more ways than one. It would lift a bit of anxiety and stress.

Who cares about people for real? Where are they hiding? What is really being done to save lives before it is destroyed in a very sad outcome?

Banks don’t want people standing outside in the elements, especially across from condos. That’s a reality check their customers can do without. That’s plain as day, it may cause conflict between two walks of life.

There are more and more people being pushed out of their neighborhoods because of overpriced condos. It leaves the impoverished people around looking from afar at these over-sized condos in a historical neighborhood. But it doesn’t matter, money talks, bullshit walks.

Everything is so far away and out of reach for blue collar workers and impoverished people. It really sucks. I think those on assistance should be able to rent to own. It would be so beneficial in so many ways.

Movie theatres should offer discounts for children movies for those people who have children but can’t afford to go. Certain days should be free, just like the Science Centre. I’m sure these companies wouldn’t mind helping out the people in their own city…

It is also so expensive to send children and teens to sports events or for them to participate in sports.

Everybody should be in the equation, nobody should be left out. There should be a price for each and everyone that comes through their doors. It shouldn’t matter who, we’re all human beings.

We all should be treated with grace and dignity, no matter who one may seem. You can’t judge a book by its cover.

If you can, please support the Nova Scotia Advocate so that it can continue to work with writers such as Judy, and cover issues such as poverty, racism, exclusion, workers’ rights and the environment in Nova Scotia. We’re running this site on a shoestring, thanks to twenty or so generous monthly sustainers. Imagine what we could do if we had a bit more money. 
