Environment Racism Weekend Video

Weekend video: Many hands can stop Alton Gas

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – We’re delighted to present this weekend’s video, Many hands can stop Alton Gas!, a gentle reminder that the Mi’kmaq water defenders keeping a watchful eye on Alton Gas need our solidarity and support.

Earlier water protectors built a Truck House along the beautiful Shubenacadie River, but with a Nova Scotia winter around the corner the need arose for something a bit warmer. The group decided to build a strawbale house at the front gate of where Alton Gas intends to dump the large amounts of brine produced as gas storage caverns are being created.

Strawbale houses don’t build themselves, hence the video and the fundraising appeal.

Many residents, fishers, biologists,and members of the Sipekne’katik Band are opposed to the project because of concerns about what the brine will do to the brittle ecology of the river. Residents also worry about the risks of living in close proximity to potentially explosive supplies of liquid gas stored underground.

The lack of respect for treaty rights in what are unceded Mi’kmaq lands and the lack of consultation with indigenous stakeholders are also a huge concern

Donate here to help the water protectors stay warm this winter!

On December 3 there will be a show and silent auction at the Bus Stop Theatre on Gottingen Street in Halifax. Check out the Facebook event here.

For  general updates and events along the Shubenacadie River, join the River Defenders’ official facebook page.

