featured Labour

Fun Game for the Holidays– will you be paid or not next week?

If you want to unite with others to campaign for better rights at work, write Judy at workwonks@gmail.com   

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – This Snakes and Ladders Game is composed of 30 squares.  Roll a dice and start at the bottom left corner at the first square.  

If you land on a ladder, jump to a higher level,  if you land on a snake topple down a level or two.  The ladder means if you qualify, you will get paid for the holiday.  The snake means whether the business or store is opened or not, there is no extra pay for working that day.

Watch out for Boxing Day — if you are not in a union you will likely not get the day off with pay.  

Each player takes a turn and rolls the dice. Whoever first gets to 30 (top right corner) wins the game.

See also:

Judy Haiven is a retired Professor of Industrial Relations at Saint Mary’s University. She is also co-chair of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Nova Scotia.

If you want to unite with others to campaign for better rights at work, write Judy at workwonks@gmail.com   
