Environment Weekend Video

Weekend video: The water protectors’ journey (trailer)

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – The water protectors’ journey Is a short feature documentary about the resistance to Alton Gas, focusing on an intimate and personal journey along the Sipekne’katik River, which leads to a sacred island known to the Mi’kmaq as the traditional campsite of Glooscap’s grandmother.

What we are showing here is a short trailer for the documentary.  If you’re in Halifax you can see the film in its entirety tomorrow, Saturday March 31st, at 11 AM, at the Central Library on Spring Garden Road.

The screening will be followed by a panel discussion with four active water protectors who have spent time defending the Sipekne’katik/Shubenacadie River from the proposed Alton Gas project. The Treaty Truck House and Treaty Camp along the Sipekne’katik River was established through prayer and ceremony with grandmothers, women and men who are committed to the protection of the Water, Mother Earth and Treaty.

The documentary is produced by Starchild Production.

Check it out!

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