Education Inclusion Media release

Media advisory: Nova Scotia Parents for Public Education holds first town hall on public education

WHERE: Don MacNeil Room, Rosaria Student Centre, Mount Saint Vincent University

WHEN: Saturday, April 27, 2-4 pm

It is now at least a year since the Nova Scotia government instituted a series of major changes in our P-12 education system. Nova Scotia Parents for Public Education, along with the group Educators for Social Justice, is kicking off a series of Town Hall meetings across the province with an event for residents of Halifax Regional Municipality to hear from parents, caregivers, educators and the public. These meetings will explore the following and other questions:

  • What is happening to public education in Nova Scotia?
  • What are conditions like in our classrooms?
  • Are educational institutions subject to democratic control? How are School Advisory Councils (PACs) working?
  • What is the government’s agenda for public education?
  • How is inclusion working?
  • How can parents and the public have more say?

This panel of education specialists will be on hand to respond to questions and comments from the audience:

  • Trish Keeping, member Nova Scotia Parents for Public Education
  • Tina Roberts-Jeffers, member Nova Scotia \Parents for Public Education and advocate for African-Nova Scotian education
  • Paul Wozney, President, Nova Scotia Teachers Union
  • Angela Gillis, teacher and member of Educators for Social Justice
  • Paul Davies, former school board trustee, Cumberland County

For more information, contact:

Trish Keeping,; or Larry Haiven,
