Alexander Bridge on the climate emergency and elections: “Today we’re witnessing the collective, angry voices of young people and children worldwide. All demanding immediate environmental policy reform and change. Whether the discussion is global warming, climate change, pollution, fossil fuels, single-use plastics, these young people have recognized that in this global society our generation has failed them. ”

This looks great! Book launch of Professor Adelina Iftene’s first book, Punished for Aging: Vulnerability, Rights, and Access to Justice in Canadian Penitentiaries. The book tackles the challenges that older individuals in Canadian penitentiaries face and their struggles for justice while they’re living their “golden years” behind bars.

Already, we see racism and immigration emerging as key topics in this election and that includes discussions at the local level. At the September 12th “All Candidates Debate on Women’s Rights and Gender Equity” in Halifax, migrant justice was a key topic of discussion. Migrant justice organizer Stacey Gomez reports on where the four Halifax candidates stand.

The seemingly frivolous blackface Trudeau engaged in 18 years ago and the hard core racist bullying that Nhlanhla Dlamini was subjected to at work in Pictou County are in essence not all that different, writes Judy Haiven.

We are a group of Hong Kongers who call Halifax home. We would like an opportunity to share our story, and hope to earn your solidarity and support. There will be a global event on the weekend of the 28th for the world community to show solidarity with Hong Kong. In Halifax, we will hold a human chain event this Saturday (September 28th) at 2 pm outside the Halifax Public Garden (Junction of Spring Garden Road and South Park Street). Please join us!