Labour Media release

PSA: Fight for $15 Orientation with special guest Christine Saulnier: Building a movement for workers

*with special guest Christine Saulnier*

Workers in Nova Scotia have been struggling to survive on a inadequate minimum wage for far too long. Join our movement to demand a $15 minimum wage and fair working conditions for all workers.

We need to organize in between and beyond elections, to build support for an economy that works for us.

WHAT: Orientation meeting to join our campaign

WHERE: Glitter Bean Cafe, 5896 Spring Garden Rd

WHEN: Wed, Nov 13, 6pm – 7:30pm

Campaigns for $15 and Fairness have already been successful in Alberta, Ontario, and BC. We’ve been building a campaign, but need more organizers to get involved if we’re going to build a stronger movement.

The Fight for $15 & Fairness is rallying people behind the bold vision of building the economy from below, and is also demanding higher income assistance rates.

Christine Saulnier is the Nova Scotia Director for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and an activist with a number of anti-poverty organizations. Most recently, she was the NDP candidate for Halifax in the 2019 Federal election. She will debunk common myths about the dangers of raising the minimum wage.

For more information:

