Environment featured Labour

News brief: NS Federation of Labour donates $5,000 to Alton Gas water protectors

On January 10, NSFL President Danny Cavanagh and Secretary-Treasurer Hugh Gillis presented Grassroots Grandmothers Darlene Gilbert and Michelle Paul a cheque for $5000 to support the fight against Alton Gas.

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour (NSFL) is donating $5,000 in support of the Alton Gas water protectors.

On April 10, 2019 RCMP arrested Mi’kmaq grandmothers Darlene Gilbert (Thunderbird Swooping Down Woman), Madonna Bernard (Kukuwes Wowkis) and Paula Isaac (Kiju Muin). Alton Gas then destroyed a camp at the entrance to the Alton Gas site on the shores of the Shubenacadie River.

Earlier Alton Gas won a temporary injunction to remove the water protectors from the site. 

Now the three grandmothers and lawyer Michael McDonald have taken Alton Gas to court to establish that land along the river is unceded Mi’kmaw territory and Alton Gas lacks approval to proceed with its destructive project.

The donated money will be used to deal with costs associated with the legal case. 

“Since the beginning we have been meeting with the Alton Gas Water Protectors and at our 2017 and 2019 NSFL Conventions we received overwhelming and unanimous support to continue this important work,” an email from the NSFL states.

Please donate to the legal defense fund by e-transfer to: treatytruckhousefund@gmail.com or donate at the donation page: https://stopaltongas.wordpress.com/donate/

See also: Alton Gas: it ain’t over til it’s over

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