featured Racism

Raymond Sheppard: On Halifax police apologies and its use of excessive force

Photo Robert Devet

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Excessive force used by police in situations involving Persons of Colour is nothing new, it has been happening for hundreds of years and continues at an alarming rate.

See also: It sure looks like Halifax police continues to harass Black Nova Scotians

It’s quite ironic that our current tax dollars and the trillions that was made from the enslavement of  African Peoples worldwide is being paid to racist elements of police forces within North America including Canada and all places beyond.

Governments have made laws allowing police officers to use force and exceed that force when they individually deem it necessary regardless. When dealing with Persons of Colour it seems force is almost always exceeded and most times as an excuse it is said that the person of colour assaulted the officer or officers, and then charges are laid to support their claim. 

Of course,this is not to say that there aren’t rare times when force is required to truly protect oneself and or the general public.

Unnecessary excessive force by police is police brutality and is based on racism when directed toward Persons of Colour, when other measures are not considered before the unnecessary force is employed, and when there is no apparent danger to life or limb or any imminent threat.

All people including African Nova Scotians are supposed to be protected against excessive unnecessary force by the Canadian Constitution that includes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Unreasonable force is simply unreasonable.

In December 2019, on Quinpool Road in Halifax and again in January 2020, I believe undue, unreasonable and unnecessary force was used by some members of the Halifax Regional Police Service.

To think that the Halifax Regional Police Chief apologized to the Black Community for illegal targeting; obviously not all member of the service got the memo. Words Without Substance.

See also: Youths rally against police brutality and anti-Black racism at Gottingen Street police headquarters

With a special thanks to our generous donors who make publication of the Nova Scotia Advocate possible.

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One Comment

  1. Writer Kendall Worth here:

    Yup, and what happened at Wall Mart last week goes to prove that Halifax Regional Continue to find way to Harasses and bully black people. Remember, what happened to Santina Rao, was not only an insult to the Black Community, but was also an insult to the community of Single mom’s as well.

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