Environment Media release

Press release: It’s the pits! Reject the Teck Frontier open-pit oil sands project. Mothers and grandmothers to make it personal.

Reject the Teck Frontier open-pit oil sands project . Mothers and grandmothers to make it personal. Plan February 11 visit to MP. 

REJECT TECK! is the two-word message a group of mothers and grandmothers in Halifax will personally deliver to Liberal MP Andy Fillmore on Tuesday, February 11, at 11am. 

The group wants to stop the proposed Teck Frontier open-pit oil sands project in Alberta before it starts. The Teck project would become the world’s largest open- pit tar sands mine. Experts call it a carbon bomb that would make it impossible for Canada to meet even its most conservative carbon reduction emission targets and commitments. 

“To go ahead with something like this now, in the middle of a worldwide climate crisis, will steal the future from our kids and grandkids,” says Tynette Deveaux, a spokewoman for the concerned parents. 

“We can’t just sit idly by and let it happen. And we won’t. Going to see Andy Fillmore on Tuesday morning is just one way to drive home that message.” 

Prime Minister Trudeau himself called our climate change emergency ‘‘the defining challenge of the time.” To approve the Teck Frontier tar sands project will only magnify that emergency and fail to meet that challenge. 

If we are to achieve a green future, with prosperity for us all—including Albertans—approving such a monstrous attack on our natural resources and reckless increase in CO2 emissions is a giant step in the wrong direction. 

Additional information: 


Trudeau will fuel the flames of our climate crisis if he approves Canada’s mega mine (The Guardian, December 10, 2019) 

Teck Frontier Mine: Fact sheet for evidence-based decision makers (LeadNow) 
