Arts Media release

PSA: Save the Bus Stop Theater, the final push

On May 20th, Canadian Heritage shone a bright light in our currently dark theatre. We are being awarded $355,000 toward the purchase and renovation of our building! This is in addition to the $355,000 awarded from the NS Dept. of Communities, Culture & Heritage, the $250,000 committed from HRM, and the $141,000 raised from generous individual donations. 

We are now VERY CLOSE to our goal in saving the Bus Stop Theatre! 

We’ve raised $1,101,000 out of our $1,210,000 goal and we now need one final push to get us to the finish line. 

We’re just $109,000 away! 

In order to minimize the amount of debt we’ll need to incur to make the purchase, we’re asking all our fans for one last show of support in helping us raise at least $25,000 before July 30th. 


We want to celebrate this incredible success once we reach our goal! On July 17th, join us for a streamed concert featuring some of our biggest supporters including Gabrielle Papillon, T.Thomason and Aquakultre!!! 

Those attending the concert will also be entered into a draw for three gift baskets containing amazing local goodies from some of our favorite businesses and vendors.
