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Nova Scotia Feminists Fighting Femicide Statement on the Mass Shooting: We demand an end to male violence against women and girls!


Nova Scotia, July 23th 2020 – As Nova Scotia Feminists Fighting Femicide (FFF) we were among the first community voices to request an independent public inquiry with a feminist analysis into the worst mass shooting in Canada’s history. 

We stand in solidarity with the families, respectful of the severity of their losses and their demand for a “full and transparent public inquiry,” and in memory of the 22 innocent people whose lives were taken by one violent man. 

Our two highest levels of government are responsible for our public safety, when put in jeopardy public employees have a responsibility to give transparent trustworthy public testimony. This is why people are demanding an independent public inquiry. By not listening and responding to the public, our government is causing a loss of trust and undermining our democracy. 

Our questions are: 

• Why is there not an open public independent inquiry? This has been requested by families, activists, women’s organizations, politicians, lawyers, many members of the public, and almost 8000 signatures on a petition. 

• Why is there no one on the panel that has expertise in misogyny, male violence against women, femicide, and a feminist analysis? 

• What is the hurry? To our knowledge no one has stated their concern was timeliness. 

As feminists we are infuriated with this “father knows best” patronizing process of proceeding with a review versus an inquiry 

Our two demands are: 

• A public independent inquiry with a feminist analysis 

• An additional panellist with feminist expertise on misogyny, male violence against women and femicide 

Signed: Linda MacDonald; Jeanne Sarson; Bernadette MacDonald; Pam Rubin; Lucille Harper; Johannah May Black, and Tara Reddick 

For more information contact: Linda MacDonald – flight@ns.sympatico.ca; Jeanne Sarson – twin2@eastlink.ca  
