Media release Racism

Community invitation: Black human rights matter

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Many people in Nova Scotia have their human rights violated each year. Quite often when this occurs, they file a human rights complaint with the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission (NSHRC) seeking justice and redress.

Yet, the current complaint system at the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission (NSHRC) doesn’t seem to be working. Those who have been traumatized by racism, sexism and hate seem to be re-victimized.

 There are a number of African Nova Scotians who had their complaint dismissed due to NSHRC staff dropping the ball (NSHRC wording). For some mysterious reason files seem to go missing as it relates to some African Nova Scotians who have filed complaints and some others.

Many African Nova Scotians do not even make it to first base in the complaint process and up until recently there were only Persons of European Decent as intake workers, this is like asking Colonel Sanders to feel compassion for chickens.

Equally, Nova Scotians who have faced racism, anti-Black racism, discrimination and sexism should have more time to lodge complaints with the NSHRC. Currently there is a one-year window to file a complaint. This does not take into account the time and courage quite often needed to file a complaint after having endured pain, suffering and trauma. 

As a result of this and other real concerns some cases are dismissed for administrative reasons without providing people with the opportunity to re-file. The whole process needs to be updated and streamlined. 

Some individuals that have experienced this nightmare will be speaking on the failures and shortcomings on Friday, August 21, 2020 at 10 a.m., during a BLACK HUMAN RIGHTS MATTER Rally that will be held on Spring Garden Road in Halifax out in from of the NSHRC offices located at 5657 Spring Garden Road.
