Environment Media release

Press Release: No further aerial spraying of glyphosate in Nova Scotia this fall


On Friday, 25th September, the NS Department of Environment office responsible for issuing permits for aerial spraying informed us over the telephone that there would be no further aerial spraying of glyphosate in Nova Scotia this fall. 

We were camped out on two clearcuts in Hants County slated for spraying any day when we got the good news. Citizens standing up together make a difference. It is time to end toxic forestry in Nova Scotia. Stop spraying and clearcutting.



  1. Hallelujah and Praise Mother Nature!!
    I am so deeply grateful to those who took time and energy and sweat equity to camp out!
    My grandchildren than you!
    We need a Total BAN ON GLYPHOSATE IN NS🙏🦋🐝💙

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