Judy Haiven: As women had been all but shut out for the last four years, many people in HRM decided to vote for diversity. And that shift should manifest itself in a council more interested in listening to the people, less prone to making quick decisions on development, and more likely to make a dramatic start to finding a way forward for affordable and accessible housing.

Raina Young: The violence and harassment against Mi’kmaq fishers is despicable, racist behaviour. Even more concerning is the failure of the police to stop it, revealing deeper systemic racism. Imagine if it were the other way around, and Mi’kmaq fishermen were harassing white people. Such behaviour would never be tolerated. The RCMP would step in immediately. The hypocrisy and double standards show a clear racist bias.

Media release: On October 13, 2020 a meeting of the Peninsula South Complete Streets Advisory Committee was exploring ways to make it possible for bike lanes to go through Morris Street in Schmidtville (the neighbourhood bounded by Clyde, Queen, South, Morris and Brenton Streets In downtown Halifax.) Among the possibilities mentioned by HRM staff to achieve this goal was the cutting down of up to 48 trees on Morris Street.