
Article removed

We were contacted by Ian Scott, Executive Vice President, and Chief Operating Officer of Saltwire Network, publisher of the Chronicle Herald.

Mr. Scott informed us that this article contained inaccuracies. We apologize to the paper, and have removed the article.

With a special thanks to our generous donors who make publication of the Nova Scotia Advocate possible.

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  1. Thank you to the Black Community in Novia Scotia for sticking up for the very biased article that the Herald printed especially in these turbulent times!!!

  2. I am very appriceative of the second piece articulating some challanges I have faced. I look forward to continuing my journey trying to be the change I want to see.

    Boxing is a platform, my lifes work I hope has a big impact, my boxing will always envoke conversation, that conversation will lead to awareness. The dream I had of persuing my childhood dream, bouncing back and using my success to help others is now reality.
    lot of people helped me get here because they believed in my vision for self, they got to know who I am as a person and I am greatful for them.

    How I handle adversity is often more important than the outcome or actuating event. I live my life everyday reminded of my history, I choose to look forward controlling my fate.
    I chose an occuoation I will always have every physical disadvantage except for speed , experiance and intelligence, likely never be favored to win, and probably have to work that much harder for a marginal victory because of strikes against me. Most would quit… I am writing this thank you to the public because quitting is not in my DNA. I wilk keep working hard at being a leader by example.

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