Environment featured

Silence, the sound of stonewalling: Letter on the province’s unwillingness to meet with the mainland moose defenders

Premier, Ministers of Land and Forestry and Environment,

I am absolutely appalled by the current escalation of the Moose situation in Digby County.  More than a week ago, the group that set up the Moose blockade, requested a meeting with Min. Mombourquette to discuss some way to provide proper protection for the dwindling Moose population in that region – this after many, many phone calls and emails from dozens of concerned citizens.  Instead, there has been silence — not even the sound of crickets — just the sound of stonewalling.

Now, as those in government continue to behave like ostriches, we have logging crews actually uttering threats toward the people in the encampments, and driving heavy equipment perilously near.  

Isn’t it time that someone in government come out of hiding to meet with the people who have spent almost a month camped on a remote logging road — not because they are getting rich from this. Not because they are getting famous from this. Not because they don’t have something better to do with their time. Not because they would rather freeze than stay in a warm house. Not because they’re young and looking for adventure. No to all of those reasons.  They are there because they care about the wildlife and forests in this province. 

It’s just incredibly pathetic that the people of this province are so at the end of their rope about the way wildlife and forests are being mistreated that they are compelled to camp on a muddy road in early winter, in order to protect what should have been properly protected all along (but wasn’t).  False promises of starting to do things better after the Forest Management Guide is eventually released at some unknown time in an unspecified and possibly far distant future, just doesn’t cut it with anyone anymore. 

The citizens of this province have waited long enough, watched while forest after forest fell prey to the forest industry — until *this* finally happened  – people camping on a muddy logging road in lousy weather, to try to stop the last vestiges of Moose habitat in that region from being wiped out.

Well, I hope someone can come out of hiding long enough to meet with this group.  I also hope that I don’t have to feel even more embarrassed than I already am as I share all of what is going on here in Nova Scotia with my many biologist and naturalist friends across North America.  It’s been bad enough as it is without now having to share that we are knowingly wiping out the last of our Mainland Moose.

* This letter will be shared with the ARAEE and beyond.


Bev Wigney.

Bev Wigney is an Annapolis area naturalist and administrator of the Annapolis Royal & Area Environment & Ecology Facebook group.

Call Lands and Forestry Minister Derek Mombourquette:, (902) 424-5935 (Halifax main office), and Sydney office: 902-562-8870. Email mindnr@novascotia.ca.

See also: Update: More on the Moose country blockade: “It could become tense”

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  1. With the indigenous land and moose conservation struggles going on across Turtle island, I was just wondering if the Mi”Kmaw are leading this conservation camp too. There’s no direct mention of them in the article.

  2. Most of the people involved in the Moose blockade have already been trying to get the DLF to actually put the Lahey Report and new Forest Management Guide in effect, and/or were part of the effort to get DLF to step up its efforts to protect Species at Risk in Nova Scotia. I am not sure if there have been Mi’kmaw participating in the blockade, but I’m sure they would be most welcome — everyone is welcome.

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