Arts featured Racism Weekend Video

Weekend video: Alistair MacLeod Mentorship Program, 2020 – Angela Bowden

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – We’ve long felt that Black Nova Scotian poet Angela Bowden is special, and it is wonderful to see how more and more people share this conviction. 

In 2020 Angela was accepted in the Alistair MacLeod Mentorship Program, administered by the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia. This allowed her to work closely with poet Sue Goyette, and later this year her first book of poetry will be in bookstores, 

This is what Sue Goyette has to say about Angela’s work.

“This is poetry that is on the move: watch now how it will do its work of instigating understanding and social change. Angela Bowden’s poems know what they are doing the moment they find their words. It’s on us now to welcome them and to support her as she does the work she is meant to.”

Check out this week’s weekend video, produced by the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia, where Angela reads two of her poems, “Black Boy Guilty” and “The Belly of the Beast.” The illustrations are by Doretta Groenendyk.  

Whether it’s a poem, an essay or a speech delivered at a rally, we’re always thrilled to feature the work of Angela Bowden on the pages of the Nova Scotia Advocate. 

See also: Never is an option, a poem by Angela Bowden

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