featured Poverty Weekend Video

Weekend video: Journalist Kendall Worth receives congratulatory certificate from Gary Burrill

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Nova Scotia Advocate journalist Kendall Worth receives yet another award, as Nova Scotia NDP leader Gary Burrill in a brief ceremony hands Mr. Worth a congratulatory certificate. The certificate recognizes Worth’s award-winning journalism, first with Street Feat, then the Halifax Media Coop, and now the Nova Scotia Advocate, as well as his activism on behalf of people living in poverty.

“If the Legislature had been sitting over the last year I would have stood up at the Legislature and read it into Hansard,” Burrill said, “so we made this into a certificate ourselves and will register it into Hansard at a later date.”

“When it comes to the subject of income inadequacy in general, there’s lots written on statistics, lots written on policy, but I don’t know anyone who has the perception of the actual circumstances that people experience in actual life.I think this is awfully important, and you have been doing it for a long time,” said Burrill.

See also: Poverty activist Kendall Worth receives prestigious achievement award

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