Education featured Labour

Letter: All children regardless of their age deserve quality care

Photo by Tina Floersch on Unsplash

Early Childhood Education establishes the foundation for future learning. Children learn from the time they are born and continue to learn throughout their lives. 

The Department of Education and Early Years has Early Childhood Educators in both childcare centers and in the public school system. The qualifications and framework delivered are the same. 

There remains a disparity between the wages, benefits and pensions of Early Childhood Educators in Nova Scotia who work in childcare centers and the public school system. 

According to The Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Years website, “The early years, from before birth to age 6, are crucial for the child’s healthy development. Our children deserve the best possible start in life to help them develop to their full potential.” 

Learning opportunities are abundant for children of all ages in childcare centers. Early Childhood Educators provide quality care in a safe and nurturing environment. 

As centers face ongoing challenges of decreased enrollment and departures of trained and experienced Early Childhood Educators from childcare centers, what will ultimately happen to the childcare system for our youngest citizens? How can parents be active participants in the workforce without childcare? 

All children regardless of their age deserve, and are entitled to, quality care throughout their lives.

Elizabeth Conrad

See also: Letter: Early childhood educators need a pension plan that would allow us to retire above the poverty line

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One Comment

  1. Well said, Elizabeth Conrad! Ece’s working with children …. from birth to 10 years old deserve the same remuneration, benefits, time to think, and respect as all educators.

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