Labour Media release

Media release: Premier Rankin’s Economic Growth Council needs labour representation

Nova Scotia Federation of Labour President Danny Cavanagh says he is disappointed there is no labour representative on Premier Iain Rankin’s newly created Economic Growth Council.

“When Premier Rankin announced the creation of the Council, we hoped there would be a person representing labour on this important advisory body with a mandate to position the province for economic success.

“The voice of labour must be there as we chart the path to grow the economy as Nova Scotia emerges from the pandemic,” says Cavanagh.

The panel has distinguished Nova Scotians from diverse backgrounds, regions and sectors, and Cavanagh says he is pleased to see this.

“In 2010, former NDP Premier Darrell Dexter established the Premier’s Council on the Economy with 19 prominent members of Nova Scotia’s business, labour and voluntary sectors, with the former NSFL President as a co-chair.

“When Iain Rankin was first elected Premier, he said he wanted to work with unions and we hope he will expand this Council to include labour representation,” Cavanagh says.
