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Press release: Nakba Catastrophe: 73 years of Palestinian resistance

As the holy festive traditions of Ramadan, Easter, and Passover have all come to an end, war still rages in the Holy Land of Palestine.

In the last 24 hours, the Apartheid state of Israel has killed a 10 member Palestinian family, including two women and eight children ( The vehement policies of Israel, geared toward Palestinians and their land for the last 73 years,  has ultimately been based on the foundation of ethnic cleansing. 

Today, on the anniversary of the Nakba, Palestinian families are being forced out of East Jerusalem in Sheikh Jarrah and Gaza is being reigned on by bombs. Settler colonialism is not new to Israel, but that is illegal under international law and in direct violation with the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The world has remained silent for too long, and now people starting to ask, ‘ Do you know what is happening in Palestine?’

In Halifax, Nova Scotia, today, on Saturday, May 15th,  we are providing the community with the answer to that question and the historical context of the Nakba. This will be done so with a panel discussion of 6 individuals, whom all have fought vehemently for Palestinian rights in Canada. The discussion will be moderated by Rana Zaman.

The speakers part of the discussion will include:

Khaled Mouammar: a Christian Palestinian Canadian who was forced to flee his hometown Nazareth in 1948. Khaled is a founding member of the Arab Palestine Association of Toronto and the Canadian Arab Federation and served three terms as its president. He is a former member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. He received the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Award from the Governor General of Canada in 1977.

2)Mohamad El Attar: a chartered professional accountant who does accounting by day, and activism by night. He is also a Youtuber by the name of That Muslim Guy. He is a Palestinian Canadian, and spends most of his time after work making comedy and educational videos countering Islamophobia, misconceptions about Islam, anti-Muslim laws, politics, and educating the public about Palestine.

Dana Elborno- A Muslim Palestinian Canadian university student who recently became more involved as a Palestinian activist. Dana is one of the millions of Palestinian diaspora who were forcibly kicked out from their houses in Palestine after the Nakba. Dana is a part of the ACPS in Nova Scotia and is involved with showing the truth behind Israel’s human rights violations.

Dimitri Lascaris

Dimitri Lascaris is a lawyer, activist, and journalist living in Montreal, Quebec. Dimitri is a long time Palestinian rights activist, and in 2020, he ran for the leadership of the Green Party of Canada.

Judith Deutsch

Judith Deutsch is a member of Independent Jewish Voices and has written many articles about Israel’s military assaults on the civilian Palestinian population, the siege of Gaza, and the life/death medical apartheid situation.  Judith is also a psychoanalyst, a parent and grandparent.

Judy Haiven

Judy Haiven: Judy Haiven is member of Independent Jewish Voices and a writer and activist living in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Judy Haiven is a founder of Equity Watch, a human rights organization dedicated to fighting bullying and discrimination in the workplace/

You can sign up for this event that is happening at such a critical time in Palestine via Facebook. Personally message the Facebook Account ‘Free Palestine Halifax-Nova Scotia’ or the Instagram account ‘freepalestinehalifax’ and ask for the Zoom link. Please follow this direct link to the event page, and Viva Philistina!

Direct event link: (Free Palestine Halifax-Nova Scotia) (freepalestinehalifax)
