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Kendall Worth: Facebook must do better!

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Over these past two years or more I have been having issues with Facebook. Over the last months I had conversations with people in my community who brought to my attention that they have similar negative experiences. 

We all agree that there must be changes to the way Facebook runs its social media site. I should note that of course there are also other people who say positive things about Facebook.

In a nutshell the issues I want to mention:

  • The Facebook social media site promotes people using Facebook for purposes of them not minding their own business and rudely stigmatizing people. See my article: Letter from Kendall Worth: Mind your own business!
  • I and some other people I talk to have had issues on Facebook where the settings  to keep parts of our lives private are too complicated. What seems simple to you may well be complicated for others!
  • The way Facebook is designed seems to allow social media trolls to have easy access to harassing you and negatively interfering with your work and personal business.
  • Facebook also allows offensive posts such as for example about the LGBTQ+ community  to freely float around on the Facebook site.
  • Another major problem is when you google “how to contact the Facebook people about problems like getting restricted from using Facebook”, it appears there is no way you can call into a call center and get an actual person on the other end. On one occasion when Facebook restricted me I did find a phone number to contact Facebook but when I called that number I only got a busy signal on the other end.

Moving forward I am not going to tolerate getting private messages or public comments from people who are not minding their own business. 

Change Facebook!

Kendall Worth is an award-winning anti-poverty activist who lives with disabilities and tries to make ends meet on income assistance.

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