Environment Media release

For Immediate Release: Cross Canada actions to tackle Climate Emergency

September 8th, 2021 

Halifax/K’jipuktuk Residents Join National Mobilization for Emergency Climate Action  

Communities across Canada push all parties and candidates to present plans to end fossil fuel expansion and pass a sweeping just transition ahead of the Federal Leaders’ Debates. 

HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA – Later today, community members will rally at Grand Parade in Halifax as part of a national day of action raising the alarm on the urgent need for increased climate ambition from Canadian politicians. 

“We’re in an election that was called after a summer where most of Canada was either on fire, covered in smoke, flooding or facing some other climate impact, with rural and Indigenous communities being hardest hit” Brian Gifford explained. “This is what a climate emergency looks like and it’s time for politicians to propose solutions that actually meet the scale of this crisis.” 

“We’re calling on all candidates and political parties to commit to two things, stopping fossil fuel expansion and passing just transition legislation that works for people, not fossil fuel billionaires,” said Kim Fry. “We can’t afford to keep ignoring the biggest gap in Canada’s climate plan – tackling soaring oil and gas emissions.” 

Across Canada, more than 60 communities joined in the day of action just ahead of the federal party leaders gathering for debates in French and English. 

“Over the next two nights, millions of people will hear from our party leaders, and it’s about time they were asked point blank if they have a real plan to meet the climate crisis,” Chris Gusen, Canada Digital Organizer for 350.org said. “Voters deserve more than tired talking points, so we’re hoping tomorrow, federal leaders step up and tell the truth that Canada can’t meet our climate obligations unless we stop fossil fuel expansion and get to work on a just transition.” 

Halifax/K’jipuktuk Residents to Rally as Part of Cross-Canada Mobilization to Demand Politicians Take Climate Emergency Action 

What: In response to the wildfires, extreme heat and other urgent climate impacts across Canada and around the globe this summer, Halifax residents will rally at the Grand Parade to demand the federal government place a moratorium on new fossil fuel expansion and enact a sweeping transition.

When: September 8th, 330-5pm 

Where:  Parade Square (Grand Parade) Halifax  1770 Barrington St

Photo/Video Opportunity: Speakers include Noreen Mabiza from the Ecology Action Centre, Brian Gifford, Lilian Hougan-Veenema from School Strike for Climate, Kim Fry from For Our Kids and performances by Braden Lam and Sandy Greenberg. Opportunity to interview local residents calling for increased climate ambition.

